Froebelian Principles
Bunnies and Butterflies follow the Froebelian principles below:
- Unity and connectedness - children are holistic learners
- Autonomous learners - children learn best by doing things for themselves and from becoming more aware of their own learning.
- The value of childhood in its own right - learning begins at birth and continues throughout life
- Relationships matter
- Creativity and the power of symbols - children express their learning, thoughts and make meaning by representing them through creativity and symbols
- The central importance of play - play is how children experience and make sense of their world and the people around them
- Engaging with nature - learning about the interrelationship of all living things
- Knowledgeable, nurturing educators - I engage in my own learning and I believe that principled and reflective practice are key elements of my approach to enable me to facilitate and guide children's learning experiences.
We are growing acorns for The Parks Trust. We grow them for 2 years and then they collect and plant in Linford Woods.